Season’s greetings.  It is still 2006 as I write this- so I guess I made it in time! I send out a Holiday newsletter every other year- this is the OFF year so I send an electronic version instead. So follow the links below by holding down your CTRL key and left clicking on your mouse), and you will be directed to my web page where over 1000 new photos are displayed.

JANUARY started out with our family plus one taking a cruise to Mexican Riviera. We visited the ports of Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. Click here for photos.

In FEBRUARY our long-time friends, Gwen and Kerry Nicholson, moved away from us on Rosemont- fortunately they moved only across Elliott Bay to a condo at Alki Beach. So January and February was spent helping them to move

MARCH was a quiet month- but in APRIL Dad and I hopped on a plane and flew to Baxter, MN to visit Kevin and family. It was fun have four generations (Dad, me, Kevin, Makaila) together at the same time. We took a side trip to Duluth, MN and visited the house where Dad was raised. Dad has kept in contact with the owners of the years, so we were able to get a tour of the home. At the end of the month Kimber’s Willamette University crew team had a supper at our home before rowing the next day at Lake Stevens, WA conference championships.

In MAY, the Crew team returned to Seattle to row in the  Windermere Cup. Kimber’s 4-man boat captured second place. And Kimber turned 21 in July- Gretchen threw her a grand dinner at our home.

Bill McMonagle, Gretchen’s 91 year-old step-father, passed away in August.

SEPTEMBER brought another trip for me to the east coast. LG had a training meeting that I needed to attend in Chicago- so I extended a few days and visited the city as well as enjoying a wonderful dinner with Tara Nicholson.

Then on to Washington DC/Baltimore to join follow Washington Restaurant Association Board members (yes, I am still active with the WRA as its Health Insurance Trust Chairman) in the annual lobbying effort. I always visit Ft McHenry in Baltimore to return to the site where my great-great-great- grandfather, Colonel George Armistead, was the commander during the War of 1812. Then I returned to Seattle via Baxter, MN where I spent a few days with my son Kevin and his wife Tamara as well as my 4 year old Granddaughter, Makaila.

OCTOBER brought another significant birthday celebration: Gretchen turned the big 6-0. Our brother-in-law, Ken Plante, also turned 60 on the same day so I joint party was created. Ryann and I made a quick visit to Laguna Niguel to visit Dad.

In NOVEMBER, KImber’s crew team had a fall regatta at Tacoma’s American Lake. My cousin Dave Thomas and wife Carol attended this event together on a very cold and windy day.

Finally we had an incredible DECEMBER. It started out with Gretchen and I flying to New York City. We absolutely love going there to visit during the holiday season. We saw the prerequisite plays (Nathan Lane in Bentley- and the musical “Avenue Q”). We also attending the Wolfe Pack Black Orchid dinner, had dinner at 3 marvelous restaurants (Felidia’s with friends Jonathan and his wife, as well as O’Briens Irish Pub and the historic Old Homestead). Gretchen had never seen the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, so we spent a day there. We visited the Picasso and American Art exhibit at the Whitney Art Museum as well as the Cezanne to Picasso: Ambroise Vollard: Patron of the Avant-Garde exhibit at “the Met.” We toured the NBC studio- and the Rockefeller Center was truly spectacular at Christmas time—especially if followed by a piece of the famous Lindy’s cheesecake. December continued with Dad’s visit to Seattle. The festivities included the annual Christmas Eve party at Gretchen’s sister Marianne’s Tacoma home, followed by Christmas breakfast and package opening, and a traditional prime-rib with stuffed baked potatoes Christmas dinner also at our home. This year, we had a special celebration at Seattle was Teatro Zinzani with the 5 of us plus Ryann’s friend Josh—and Kerry, Gwen and Tara Nicholson (with Kerry’s sister Leanaa). What a grand way to end a year.  And Gretchen, Kimber and I visited cousin Dave Grady and his wife barb and sons Jeremy and Joshua in Jeremy's Seattle area's home and got acquainted with Jeremy and Thera's new 4-month baby, Meriel.

And 2007 starts off with a bang- Kevin and I will attend the famous CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas January 10-13. Then all the GRADY family will convene in Laguna Niguel CA on January 27th to celebrate Dad’s 90th. But the details must wait until next year’s Holiday letter!